Our Family

December 21, 2011

Nervous and sad but oh so excited

Next week Wednesday Tessa and I are going to visit my family in Milwaukee, WI. I am so nervous to fly with a one year old by myself. I know I can do it, but doesn't make the nerves go away. We are flying later in the evening in hopes that she will just sleep the whole time. I am going to miss Jeremy like crazy,and I'm sad he won't be able to make the trip to WI with us. It will be our 1st trip without him. Hopefully I will just enjoy myself and not be so sad about leaving without him. However, I am so excited to see my mom, dad, sisters, and little brother. Having it be during winter, hopefully Tessa will be able to see snow. Tessa enjoys plane rides, mostly enjoys looking out of the window.

December 10, 2011

An awesome Christmas,so far.

Jeremy's sister came in on Monday and we celebrated Christmas with her on Wednesday. It was so much fun! Tessa got lots of new books that she is loving, and constantly reading. She definately is a book worm like her daddy. She got a new lounge chair from Jeremy and I. She opened all her Christmas presents in it. This morning she sat in it with her new baby doll and watched her morning cartoons. I think that is the best thing we purchased for her so far, gift wise. Jeremy got a Keurig from Tessa and I that everyone enjoyed. And Jeremy got me a necklace with Tessa's birthstone, name, and birthdate on it, I LOVE it! It was so nice to celebrate with family. My mother-in-law made a wonderful turkey lunch too. Everyone enjoyed stuffing themselves. I love Christmas, and can't wait to celebrate Christmas with my family in a couple weeks.

Tessa ripping open the Christmas present her Auntie Mindy got her.
Our beautiful Christmas present

She found a border collie just like hers!

December 2, 2011


Thanksgiving was so much fun. We got to spend time with family and also got to meet some family members we haven't seen yet. It was a great time. The weather was in the 70's, so we spent most of our time outside. Tessa got to do some goat herding! We enjoyed food, family, and football. I can't wait to do it all over again next year!

Tessa on Thanksgiving 2011

Tessa and Grandpa with the goats.
Tessa, Nana, and Steve feeding the goats bread.